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Massage a Trois - Massage Lotion 3 Pack

Earthly Body

Brand: Earthly Body

Product Code: EB-MLMT003 EB-MLMT003 EB-MLMT003

Availability: In Stock

$13.95 $13.95
Give the gift of paradise with the transporting scents and satin feel of Earthly Body's nutrient-rich massage lotions. Specially formulated with a blend of hemp seed and argan oils, these deep moisturizing lotions provide an ideal glide for the perfect massage that leaves skin feeling smooth and nourished.

Includes 3 Hemp Massage Lotions in 2 Fl. Oz. Bottles:
Skinny Dip
Isle of You
Naked in the Woods

Tags: massage a trois - massage lotion 3 pack, eb-mlmt003, earthly body, hemp products, massage oils lotions