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Sex and Mischief Medium Whip - Black


Brand: Sportsheets

Product Code: SS810-01 SS810-01 SS810-01

Availability: In Stock

$15.95 $15.95
Up the ante of your S&M fantasies with this mid-sized silicone whip. Surprise them with tantalizing tickles, then slap them into submission as they gasp in delight. As your scene builds, transition from a frisky caress against their most sensitive parts, towards a stinging flog that brings a flush to their flesh. Silicone strands ensure durability and flexibility. Let the fun begin!

Material: 100% silicone threads, wood beads, nylon cord


Tags: sex and mischief medium whip - black, ss810-01, sportsheets, bondage fetish toys, made in the usa, whips floggers